Rotterdam Symposium on AI-Experiences and Public Safety

Start date
End date
Erasmus University Rotterdam, Sanders Building

Symposium organized by Marc Schuilenburg, Majsa Storbeck, Martijn Wessels, Merel Driessen
Erasmus School of Law, Rotterdam

The widespread integration of AI into surveillance technologies within the realm of public safety has become increasingly prevalent, exemplified by the likes of biometric and emotional recognition, anomaly detection, DNA banks, crowd control, round-the-clock monitoring, and other forms of dataintensive surveillance. This phenomenon prompts crucial inquiries into its effects on the human experience. The ambition of the symposium is to explore the multidimensional facets of AI-surveillance and its implications for public safety – encompassing beyond its technological and judicial issues to its emotional, social, and cultural contours. Building on research in surveillance and AI, the aim of the symposium is to explore how AI-surveillance is experienced by individuals who define, judge, and have emotions related to being watched or being a watcher.