BOLD Cities welcomes new executive board members

Prof. dr. Catholijn Jonker, Prof. dr. ing. Bram Klievink and Prof. dr. Claartje ter Hoeven have recently joined the executive board of the Centre for BOLD Cities. Hereby, we briefly introduce our new board members:

Catholijn JonkerCatholijn Jonker is professor Interactive Intelligence at Delft University of Technology and Professor of Explainable artificial intelligence at Leiden University. Her focus in research lies on creating synergy between humans and technology by understanding, shaping and using fundamentals of intelligence and interaction.


Bram KlievinkBram Klievink is professor Digitalization and Public Policy at Leiden University. Klievinks’ research focuses on politics and use of big data and algorithms in a public governance context. Professor Klievink has contributed to the first edition of our BOLD Cities minor; Smart and Shared cities that has been concluded very successfully.


Claartje ter HoevenProf. dr. Claartje ter Hoeven is professor at Erasmus University of Rotterdam in Organisational Dynamics in the Digital Society. The research focus of ter Hoeven lies on how digital technologies are able to help organise, manage and shape the way we work.

We are excited to welcome the new members to join our executive board with their expertise!