Centre for BOLD Cities contributes to CBS-The Hague 'data bootcamp'

On 21, 22, 28 and 29 March, the Centre for BOLD Cities successfully contributed to the organisation of a 'data bootcamp', in close cooperation with CBS (Statistics Netherlands) and the Municipality of The Hague, the main organising parties.

During the data bootcamp, civil servants, CBS researchers and university researchers cooperated in groups to experiment with different data sets, looking into various topics to see how linking existing data might be useful in the development of urban policy.

Focusing on poverty-related questions, the groups each explored a subtheme. On the final day of the data bootcamp, all groups represented.

As part of the programme, the Centre for BOLD Cities also provided a number of data walks, the results of which were also presented on the final day.

More information
CBS article on data bootcamp (in Dutch)
CBS interview with data bootcamp organisation (in Dutch)