Privacy in the social domain: BOLD Cities director delivers lecture for civil servants

On 30 May, the Centre for BOLD Cities' academic director Liesbet van Zoonen addressed a large group of civil servants that are active in the social domain of the city of Amsterdam. Her lecture was part of the municipal masterclass 'Innovation and Information'.

Van Zoonen spoke about dimensions of privacy in smart cities and specifically highlighted the subject of privacy of citizens on benefits, whose data are increasingly used for analysis purposes, through different methods and algorithms. These developments may prove problematic in light of the recently established GDPR, as well as the 'obligation to inform' through the Participation Act.

During the session, Van Zoonen also reported on preliminary outcomes of the 'data dialogues' that the Centre for BOLD Cities conducts in its 'Re-integration in BOLD cities' research project. This topic also comes forward in her most recent column (Datadromen in het sociale domein) for Sociologie Magazine.