Vivien Butot succesfully defends PhD thesis

Defence roomOn January 11th,  Vivien Butot succesfully defended his PhD-thesis 'Imaginaries, Experiences and Controversies: Resituating Citizen Engagements in Smart and Safe Cities', at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam.

His thesis covers the subject of citizen engagements with safety in smart cities. Our scientific director, professor Liesbet van Zoonen, served as his promotor, together with professor Gabriele Jacobs (Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences) and professor Saskia Bayerl (Sheffield Hallam University).

During his time as a PhD-candidate, Vivien was a valued colleague of the Centre for BOLD Cities team. He was involved in many of the Centre's outreach activities in the past year, including but not limited to our datawalks.
At the start of this academic year, he started as Associate Lector Social Media, Security and Justice at Hogeschool Inholland in Rotterdam.  However, he will still be in touch with BOLD Cities, as he is one of the researchers participating in our collaboration with artist collective ARK.

Congratulations, Vivien!

More information
Interview with Vivien about his research on the Erasmus University website
More information on Vivien's thesis